Services where & when you need them

Leii is a platform that connects people to a wide variety of services. One can browse, book and connect with service providers - all in one place.

I helped turn the idea into a minimum lovable product: Leii mobile app. My contribution was UX and UI design. I also designed part of the Leii web platform.

/ app & web design

Things to solve

Leii team has a bold and exciting vision. The biggest task was to distill it to an initial version that can be launched, tested and iterated upon. What is absolutely essential to create professional and pleasant experience? What is not a priority?

There were two key user groups: service providers and service users. Each of them needed it's own information architecture that had to be created completely from scratch.

Leii needed a robust design system to be used across all future interfaces.

Building on Leii logo and a theme colour (dark purple), I curated a colour palette and typography that resembles classy and professional, yet friendly and easy going character of Leii.

The idea was to create a minimal and modern look & feel. Nothing unnecessary. I relied on unique typography and carefully designed text hierarchy, rather than colours or graphical elements, so that the complex and image heavy interface remains uncluttered.

Look & feel: high end, for everyone

Service users: browsing, booking and connecting

We started by distilling the large and diverse Leii audience into five representative user cases.

A lot of energy went into researching best practices and figuring out the optimal search flow. Users can search both for professionals and their services. For a start, results can be filtered by service date & time and delivery location.

After the booking, user can contact the service provider directly via integrated chat to discuss practical details.

Service providers: self promotion with style & ease

Thinking of the service providers, much energy went into finding the most seamless way to mark their availability in the calendar and manage bookings. Also, figuring out the way this information is reflected on the client side.

App gives a lot of flexibility for professionals to brand themselves with images and text. There is explicit guidance along the way, to make sure they can make the best out of this functionality.

Learning from experience and user feedback, Leii team went on to create an online version of the platform, available via desktop. My contribution was UX and UI design for the service user part.

App grows into a web platform

This was a huge and complex project which I worked on (with breaks) for almost a year. Leii is a rapidly growing startup and there has been a lot of new input and information to adjust to continuously. Although the process was challenging at times, I enjoyed taking the project from initial sketches to a functioning product. Below you can see a snipped of wireframes - a creative mess where the real magic happened.

Note on process

Do you have questions about this project? Or perhaps you'd like to discuss yours? I'll be happy to hear from you.

Thank you for reading.